Kimetsu no Yaiba‘s manga dominance will astound lifelong One Piece admirers as the demon-slaying manga has once again dominated sales rankings, securing not only the top spot but 21 more spots below it as well.
A ranking listing the top sold manga for the week of October 19th:
Many doubt this significant lead over One Piece will lead to any potential damage to the series in the long run, however.
this series has been over for months now
I guess the oni-puss is enticing.
the current arc in one piece is painfully bad… hopefully the sales drop even more
OP ended after Ace died
I don’t know how can anyone care about series that fucking long, like is it about the missing piece anymore?
Where is Kancolle ?
I think you were late!, His regular manga already ended a long time ago!
In any case, this is a list of the most popular “his streak comes since last year 2019”;
My good anón the list is not niche.
Ps: I also appreciate kc but it is not his year … “popularity: notoriety”
Thanks for being attentive. @ota