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Edit filter configuration

Differences between versions

ItemVersion from 17:18, 30 May 2009 by Ruslik0Version from 09:42, 2 June 2009 by Ruslik0
Basic information
Shamelessly stolen from test wiki, set to flag only at the moment. A warning needs to be written before blocking is enabled.
Shamelessly stolen from test wiki, set to flag only at the moment. A warning needs to be written before blocking is enabled.

Optimizing - Hersfold
Optimizing - Hersfold

Merged with filter 6 - Ruslik0
Merged with filter 6 - Ruslik0
Actually to "article talk space". - Ruslik
Actually to "article talk space". - Ruslik
Switched to warning. - Ruslik
Switched to warning. - Ruslik
Added  a tag. - Ruslik
Actions to take when matched
Actions to take when matched
Tag: self-renaming and bad user talk moves
Warn: abusefilter-warning-selfrenaming-and-bad-usertalk-moves
Warn: abusefilter-warning-selfrenaming-and-bad-usertalk-moves